Friday, February 15, 2013

Tennis Tip #12

After a brief hiatus we are back. We are going to begin discussing ground strokes, but before we get there, we would like to talk about the type of spins that are involved in a ground stroke. The first is a slice. This is when you would "chop" the ball, and the ball produces an underspin. On this shot, your racquet will be open. The ball rises as it leaves your racquet so you must make sure to keep the racquet low as you hit the ball. The next shot is top spin. When you hit the ball on this shot, you will be hitting low to high. Your racquet will be closed for this stroke, unlike the slice, and you will be hitting the bottom of the ball. This is the most common shot in tennis for tournaments and on the tour. The top spin gives the security for the ball to land in the court. When hitting a top spin shot, you can expect your ball to drop faster then other shots. The last shot is flat, this is when you hit the ball "square". On this shot you will hit the ball straight through as opposed to up or down. You can hit this ball as long as the ball is above the net. However, you cannot hit this ball when it is below the net because there is no security for the ball to stay in the court. Look out for our next post where we will discuss the best times to hit each shot.

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