Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tennis Tip #14

Now lets talk about the two different ways you can bring your racquet back. The first is a "C” and the second is bringing the racquet straight back. A "C" is when you bring your racquet back in a "C" motion. This is recommended for a lot of junior players to make sure they get their racquet below the ball allowing them to hit with top spin. Your other option is bringing it straight back, however this is not recommended for novice players because they may bring the racquet back too high. While there is no exact position of your "C", you want to refrain from using a big "C" because it needs to be controlled and as small as possible. Your "C" depends on the height of the ball that you are going to hit and the higher the ball, the higher the "C" that you will have to start with. In addition, you want to make sure that you have a short back swing. If you have a long back swing, your strokes will suffer when you are playing with players that hit a fast ball (and we would not want that!). Now that the racquet is back, you will also have to use your wrist. Your wrist will twist, and you will have the butt of the racquet facing the other side of the court. By doing this, you will also roll your wrist to give you the top spin that keeps the ball in the court. Your wrist is extremely important, if you don't do this, you will have a lot of trouble hitting a topsin shot. All of the pointers can also be applied to the backhand shot. But next we will talk about making contact with the ball!

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