Monday, February 18, 2013

Tennis Tip #13

I am going to jump in with the forehand, and how you should hit this ball. When you get ready to hit this ball, you will be coming out of the ready position, and split step, both which were talked about in our previous posts. From this position, you will begin the forehand. Ground strokes can be extremely detailed, so I will be breaking this stroke up through a couple of tips. I will discuss the beginning of this stroke. You will begin with having your non-racquet-hand infront of you, and your racquet hand will be behind you. You can hit a ball like this, and it is recommended for beginners, but at NU Formal Tennis we have all types of tennis players, and want to help all of you out. If you want to be a little bit more advanced, and to add more power (who doesn't want more power?) You will have to change how you will be bringing your racquet back. You will first garner your core by turning your hips, as you are turning your hips, you will also bend your knees slightly. Adding your core and legs to your forehand will provide you with a lot more power. If you have ever been told that you are using too much arm, then you should try this, and you will see a difference quickly. We know that this is a lot of information all in right now, so we'll give you a day to think about everything before we move on. See you tomorrow!

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