Monday, January 14, 2013

Tennis Tip #1

Here at Nu Formal Tennis we would like to help you become better tennis players.  This is the first tip of our hopefully very many. Our first tip will be discussing tennis strings and the new fad of polyester string.  So, about string, there is a large variety of them. All of the string can be broken down into three different types: synthetic gut, natural gut, and poly-gut (polyester).  They all have their pros and cons.  But let’s go into polyester, it’s a new type of string that a lot of advanced tennis players have been playing with.  It brings power and spin, but it also comes with a lot of stress on your body.  It is recommended to string the racquet a couple pounds lesser because the string is so stiff.  If you do not, you can be out weeks, or months from your favorite sport!  Me personally, I do a hybrid with a very soft synthetic gut string.  This helps my racquet last longer, and it puts a lot less stress on my arm.  Some of you may ask: what string should I play with?  And in reality, there is no right answer, many people like one more then another for many different reasons.  You just have to remember that you have to do what is best for you and your game!

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