Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tennis Tip #8

Our final post about the volley will be more for your safety. Nu Formal Tennis Attire is all about looking stylish and fresh, but bloody noses, is definitely not stylish or fresh. You can get this very common injury because of one reason, you dropped your racquet. The ready position in a volley is to have your racquet up with your grip being in the "shake hand" grip. This is because you have no idea if you are hitting a forehand, or backhand, so preparing in the middle is the best decision. You also prepare for this for all of your shots on the base line as well. So after you hit your volley, remember to bring your racquet to the ready position! Lastly, remember to get back to the middle, to be in the best position on the court. If you hit your shot and you are on top of the net, don't stand there, back up. You want to be like a soccer goalie. Try to think of that as you are up at net volleying! Our next couple of posts will be about hitting overheads. Stay classy, and wear something Nu

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