Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tennis Tip #7

A lot of the past couple of posts have been about volleys including where to hit them how to prepare for them. But now, we are going to discuss how to hit the volley. First, you will need to make sure that you are using a continental grip. As many teaching pros will say, hold the racquet like shaking its hand, and slide your hand down. This is how you know that you are using a continental grip. Next, as I said in earlier posts, make sure you don't swing, it's a block! You want to keep this shot as simple as possible, the minute you try to complicate it, you will start missing the ball. As you get ready to make contact with the ball, you must make sure to step forward, and be controlled. As you move forward, your weight should transfer forward as well. Your forward motion, and racquet should move together. Now, in regards to racquet preparation, you want to have your racquet at a 30 degree angle, and the racquet should always face angled to the other side of the court. This is so that if you are ever late, or early getting to the ball, you will give yourself the best opportunity for hitting the ball in. As you hit the ball, you will use a chop motion, but try to continue on the 30- 45 degree angle. You must lead with the grip of the racquet, not the racquet. Lastly, you want to keep your elbow bent as you hit the volleys. This is because you don't want to allow any room for your arm to be pushed back. You need to always have forward motion on every part of your body for when you hit volleys. We hope this tip helped!

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