Friday, January 25, 2013

Tennis Tip #9

One of our juniors decided to share with us some of his awesome strokes to help us with our tennis tips. Miller helped us show all of the good points in an overhead. This first of these tips will discuss the preparation for the overhead. When you are up at net, you can get passed by two different ways. One, is an angle. We will discuss this in another tip, but the other is the lob. Many tennis players handle this stroke with countless errors. They look unprofessional and confused. This is not what Nu Formal Tennis is about. We want to look stylish, and play composed. When you see that you have been hit a lob, you should prepare by shuffling backwards, no running is allowed! As you shuffle back, you will have your opposite hand up. If you can see Miller, his opposite hand is straight up. You point for two different reasons. First, you don't want to lose the ball in the sun, so pointing helps with this. The second reason is so you keep your body up. For my last point, when you back up, you will want to back up and get behind the ball, so as you hit the ball, it is in front of you. Hitting the ball behind you will cause for the ball to go long. Remember you cannot hit down. If you do this, you will always hit the ball in the net. Come by tomorrow and check out Miller's profile, one of our top junior players!

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