Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tennis Tip #5

Continuing with the volleys, we are now going to discuss where to exactly hit your volleys. The closer you are to the court baseline, you need to hit the ball deeper. You don't want to add any more time for your opponent to get to the ball. Many tennis players think it is all about hitting the ball as hard as you can, but the volley is different, you block, and need to place the ball correctly. On your first volley that you hit coming to the net, you will most likely be hitting the ball a couple of feet behind the service line. The best place to put the ball now is deep and low. This deprives your opponent a chance to attack you. It's a given when you began taking lessons, a coach would say to you, "if you hit it high, you die", so make sure you keep your stroke low! The idea here is to still press your opponent, but also to force the receiver to hit a shot that you will put away. After making your first volley, move closer to the net. The closer you are to the net, the more angles you can hit when volleying. This doesn't mean the closer you are to the net, the more reason to hit an angle. The other deciding factor is the height of the ball. If the ball is coming in low, it is much tougher to hit an angle. Remember, you don't want to be on top of the net because it will be very easy for someone to then hit a lob over your head.

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