Monday, January 21, 2013

Tennis Tip #6

Sometimes you will not be able to take the ball in the air, whether you are on the way to the net, or at the net. The shot to use is the half volley. This shot is all about timing and focus, mostly because you are hitting the ball on the rise. Hitting the ball on the rise means you are hitting the ball as it is still coming up. The benefit of this is that you are giving your opponent less time to get back into position. When you hit this shot you are not delivering a little chop like the volleys (This will be discussed fully in the next post.) nor will you be hitting the ball like a ground stroke. You will be pushing the ball. You will be squeezing your grip, and trying to keep the ball as low as possible. Obviously you will want to take the ball in the air, but half volleys will suffice as well. To continue being on the offensive, try to keep your body weight moving forward. Making contact, you'll be providing momentum. Also, you have to remember that the shot will be very low as you hit the ball. You must be able to hit this ball in the court while bending! Bending is extremely important with this shot. If you don't bend, you cannot expect to hit and place the ball precisely in the court. I know we haven't gone into exactly how to hit the volley, just a few primary things for now, but I promise, if you check on us later, you will be able to hit volleys just like Federer! But, we can look more stylish than Federer. How? Check out some of our clothes that we are presenting right here.

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